Her Best Dad Ever

January 16, 2021 Her Best Dad Ever 0 Comments


Hey friends! Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you do, welcome to our journey of becoming better fathers to our daughters. We want to just take a second and share what we’re about and why we’re doing what we do with the Her Best Dad Ever podcast.

The Why…

We haven’t been doing it for that long but have found out real quick that parenting is one of the most important things we’re ever going to do in life; and, as we’ve experienced, one of the most challenging things as well. We recognize the beauty and weight of being girl dads and want to do it well – raising beautiful, confident, happy daughters. As friends who do life together we’ve also realized how important community is in parenting and the power that comes from encouraging each other. It takes a village. So, while these are conversations we’d be having anyway, on our own, we thought it would be cool to open the door and invite you in to community with us – sharing with you what we’re learning and hopefully being an encouragement to you.

What to Expect

What you’ll see from the podcast are a few different things. First, conversations between Markay and I. These will be chill times when we need to process something or share with each other what we’re learning on any given topic. Second, Markay and I interviewing girl dads who have been parenting for longer than we have – seeking wisdom from them. Someone once said, a wise man learns from his own mistakes, but an even wiser man learns from someone else’s. Third, we’ll be interviewing grown up daughters, asking questions about their childhood and what they’ve learned from their fathers, good or bad. We think that hearing from their perspective will be helpful to us.

Thank You!

We really hope you enjoy hanging with us and also get something out of it. Thanks for coming along side us on this journey. We appreciate it. For all the dads out there, know that we stand with you and that we see you. Be strong, be encouraged, and continue to follow us on our journey of becoming her best dad ever.
Her Best Dad Ever was last modified: January 16th, 2021 by Her Best Dad Ever

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